Ficha Técnica

PINE SOLID WOOD DOORS | Sawing, sanding or machining wood products can produce wood
| dust, which can cause a flammable or explosive hazard.
SECTION – I – Product Identification
Address: Rua Luiz Caetano Francio, 475 - 89.500-000 – Caçador – SC – Brazil
Telephone number: ++55(49) 3561-6600 – Email:
SECTION – II – Hazardous Ingredients / Identity Information
OSHA PEL (Permissible Exposure Limit) TWA 5 mg/m3
STEL (15 min) 10 mg/m3, (all soft and hard wood except Westem red cedar)
ACGTH (Threshold Limit Value) TWA 5 mg/m3 STEL (15 min) 10 mg/m3, (Softwoods)
OTHERS INGREDIENTS (no hazardous):
Glass: Tempered glass according to ABNT NBR 14698
Plastic: Plastic Polyolefin, polystyrene, polypropylene, polyester
Steel: 1020 Carbon steel (rails, fittings, screws, hinges)
Paper: Multi colored Labels printed.
Seals: Rubber profile, silicone.
For Primed Doors: Non-toxic coating with water based soluble acrylic resin.
For Finished Doors: Non-toxic coating by two components polyurethane resin compound.
For Primed Doors: Non-toxic coating with water based soluble acrylic resin.
For Finished Doors: Non-toxic coating by two components polyurethane resin compound.
Two main wood species growing in Brazil (fast growing tree – adult tree is circa 25 years old
originated from North American Continent), are used by FRAMEPORT. Technical specifications as follows:
a) Scientific name: PINUS TAEDA. Popular name in USA: LOBLOLLY PINE
Loblolly Pine needles are in clusters of 3, slender, stiff, 6-9 inches long, pale green and deciduous during the third season.
The oblong cones are 2-6 inches long, light reddish-brown, and armed with a spine at the tip of each scale.
Cones drop their seeds in autumn and winter, remaining on the tree for another year. The bark of Loblolly Pine is thick,
bright reddish-brown, and divided by shallow fissures into broad, flat-topped plates covered with thin scales.
The tree often reaches 100 feet in height on a good site, with trunk diameter of 2-3 feet. It has a tall, straight trunk.
The short thick branches are much divided, the lower ones on older trees drooping while the upper ones grow upward. The crown
is usually compact and round-topped. Loblolly is considered the principal commercial pine species of the southeastern states because
of its wide range, abundance and adaptability to a variety of sites. It is often called “old field Pine” because it seeds into openings
very readily. Loblolly seeds are eaten by wild turkeys, squirrels and some songbirds. Scientific name of the Loblolly Pine is “Pinus Taeda”.
b) Scientific name: PINUS ELLIOTTII. Popular name in USA: SLASH PINE
Slash Pine is one of the most important Pines of southeastern United States and one of the two species yielding commercial quantities
of naval stores. The common name comes from the turpentine face, of “slash” cut into the bark to collect the resinous sap. Needles of
Slash Pine are dark green and lustrous, 8-12 inches long, and grow in 2-leaved or 3-leaved clusters. The short-stalked cones are 3-6 inches
long, pendant, ovoid, and have thin, flat, flexible scales, each tipped with a small spine. The bark is gray to reddish-brown, rough,
separating on the surface into large, thin scales. The tree commonly grows to 100 feet in height with a tall, straight, tapering
trunk 2-3 feet in diameter. The stout horizontal branches form a handsome round-topped crown. The wood is heavy and hard, strong, durable and stiff.
Seeds are eaten by wild turkey, squirrels and some songbirds. Typical Slash Pine has the scientific name of “Pinus Elliottii, var. Elliottii”.
Another variety grows from Central Florida south to the lower Florida Keys and its name is “Pinus Elliottii, va. Densa”.
SECTION – III – Physical / Chemical Characteristics
Boiling Point: N/A
Specific Gravity (H2O = 1): Variable. It depends on species and moisture content.
Melting Point: N/A
Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): N/A
Vapor Density (Air = 1): N/A
Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate = 1): N/A
Solubility in Water: Insoluble
Appearance and odor: Light to dark colored, granular solid.
Color and odor are dependent on the
wood species and time since dust was
SECTION – IV – Fire and Explosion Hazard Data
Flash Point (Method Used): N/A
Flammable Limits: 40 g/m3
Fire Extinguishing Media: Water, Carbon Dioxide, Sand
Special Fire and Explosion Hazards: Wood dust may present a strong to severe explosion hazard if dust cloud
contacts an ignition source.
SECTION – V – Reactivity Data
Stability: Stable under normal conditions
Incompatibility (Materiais to avoid): Strong oxidizing agents and drying oils
Hazardous decomposition or by products: Thermal oxidative degradation of wood produces irritating and toxic fumes and
gases, including carbon monoxide, aldehydes and inorganic acids.
Hazardous polymerization: Will not occur
SECTION – VI – Health Hazard Data
Route(s) of Entry: (Wood Dust)
Eyes: Flush with water to remove dust particles. If irritation persists, get medical attention.
Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If irritation or other symptoms persist, consult a physician.
Skin: Wash with water to remove dust particles. Seek medical attention if a rash, dermatitis or other skin disorders occur.
Ingestion: N/A
Signs and symptoms of exposure: (Wood Dust)
Acute: Can cause eye irritation. Certain species of wood dust can elicit allergic contact dermatitis in
sensitized individuals and may cause respiratory irritation, nasal dryness, coughing, sneezing or breathing difficulties as a result of
Chronic: Certain species of wood dust may cause dermatitis, repiratory sensitization and/or irritation on prolonged
repetitive contact. Wood dust is not listed as a carcinogen by IARC, NTP or OSHA.
Medical conditions is generally aggravated by exposure!
SECTION – VII – Precautions for safe handling and use
Steps to be taken in case material is released or spilled: Sweep up or vacuum up spills for recovery or disposal.
Avoid creating dust conditions. Place recovered wood dust
in a container for proper disposal.
Waste disposal method: Dispose in a landfill or incinerator in accordance with local, state and federal
Precautions to be taken in handling and storing: Keep away from ignition sources. Provide adequate local and general exhaust
SECTION – VIII – Control measures
Respiratory protection (specify type): Approved dust respirators.
Eye protection: Goggles or safety glasses.
FRAME MADEIRAS ESPECIAIS LTDA. “FRAMEPORT” believe the information contained in this MSDS to be accurate at the time of preparations and has been compiled using sources believed to be reliable. However, FRAMEPORT makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy or completeness of the information presented. It is the responsibility of the user to comply with local, state, and federal regulations concerning use of this product. It is further the responsibility of the buyer to research and understand safe methods of storing, handling and disposal of this product.